photon view observe options

Hi everyone!

I have an issue with photon view synchronization.
I have a couple of properties I'd like to sync, but some of them are better fit to unreliable option (like position for example) and others - to reliable delta compressed (like a list of strings for example, wich is rarely updated). So the question is: what should I do? I mean do I have to use two photon views? or what?
I don't like to use RPC for my theoretical list of strings because of possibility to miss those RPCs on disconnected player.

PS. I'm sorry for my English!


  • Djebedia
    It seems like I could add another list of observed components with its own ViewSychronization option and process this list in OnSerializeWrite like the original one. But I'm not sure if this is a good decision. Also, I will still have to spread my properties to sync between separate components which is not cool.
    Is there any other workaround?
  • Djebedia
  • Djebedia