How to know which photonView is the masterclient

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How to know which photonView is the masterclient

2019-03-18 22:21:00


I need to know which player is the master client, so my code looks like this

        GameObject[] players = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player");  
        foreach (GameObject p in players) {  
            PhotonView pv = p.GetComponent (PhotonView)();  
            if (pv.isMasterClient) {  

but photonView doesnt have isMasterClient on there. How can i know if a particular photonview is the master client?


2019-03-18 23:00:38

Each player knows if they are the MasterClient or not, use: PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient

2019-03-19 10:32:54

Hi @dreadlocks,

As @Breeman wanted to say, I think there are easier ways to know who's the master client than doing an expensive FindGameObjectsWithTag() call.

replace pv.isMasterClient

with pv.Owner.IsMasterClient

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