Preview: Photon 3 Flash SDK with Cloud Support

Tobias admin
edited January 2012 in Flash (deprecated)
Some of you are waiting for the AS3 SDK with Photon Cloud support. It's finally here.
The client SDK linked below is fully compatible with the Photon Cloud and has a modified Chat sample to go with it. It also includes some improvements and fixed. Please read the history file if you want to know more.

This client SDK not compatible with previously released server SDKs! This is the reason why this is no regular release but just available in this post.
We will release a Photon Server SDK soon (when our colleague recovered from sickness) and then release this Flash SDK on our download page.

So, to use this, use the Cloud Service (register, it's free) and make sure to insert the "appId" you get there into your html (or compile it into your swf).

Feedback welcome!
For the time being, download the SDK here: ...