Doubts about PUN

Hello everyone.
I recently started developing with PUN, since last time i used UNET i had quite a headache.
I have few doubts about the pun system I hope you can explain to me.
As far as I understood, after creating a room, let's say between 4 clients, one of those will be the master client.
Therefore it's sort of suggested to let the master client do all the calculations (sort of working like a server).
Now my questions are : is this cheatable? As in, can a player brutally try to understand if he is the master-client and try to cheat?
Is this quite of heavy to handle on a single client? As in, let's say i want the master client to request some http requests, and so on.
Last but not the least, what's the real difference between the 4 products that photon offers? Is there any real-case use example for each of them?

Thanks for your time.
