Bone Sync

Hi, how are you ?
I'm a Brazilian developer, and currently I'm having a minor problem with synchronizing the spinal bone of my player.

I did some testing using RPC and did not get much result, in fact I was just curious, as far as I know RPC is not very recommended for Mesh, Transforms or gameobject and yes code, anyway.

Apparently my code seems to work, but at the time of the test the other client does not see the movement of my column and only "I", or rather only the client itself.

I wonder if anyone would have a hint, or even a solution to this problem!
	void LateUpdate(){
		if (photon.isMine) {

				RotationSpine = Quaternion.Euler (SpeedY, 0, 0);
				boneHead.localRotation = RotationSpine;


	void OnPhotonSerializeView(PhotonStream stream, PhotonMessageInfo info){

		if (stream.isWriting) {
			stream.SendNext (RotationSpine);
			stream.SendNext (boneHead.localRotation);

		} else {

			RotationSpine = (Quaternion)stream.ReceiveNext();
			boneHead.localRotation = (Quaternion)stream.ReceiveNext();


