AngryBots Demo -- Still doesn't work

I'm back from vacation and still struggling with coming up to speed on Unity with Photon. I've been unsuccessful in getting the AngryBots demo to work but noticed that there is a newer version in the asset store. I downloaded this version into a new project, started up my LoadBalancing server and configured the demo for working with a local server (SelfHosted,, Port 5055 and App Id is Master).

I noticed that the default AngryBots scene has been removed from this most recent demo, so that confusion is gone. Also, a runtime error message referring to a null reference in the code is gone as well. There are still the four scenes in the Scenes folder. Preloader references a "wooglie" website for doing a piracy check ?! - no clue what this is about. BeginScene has no Awake call, which leaves AngryBots_MP.

Playing AngryBots_MP results in a 1 fps raindrop animation that appears to do nothing else. My frustration level is rising rapidly with this and I did notice a similar comment on the download site in the asset store (which also added a 1 star rating to the download), though it didn't refer to my further problem of the scene not going anywhere.

The Awake procedure checks a PhotonConnected flag, which is false and immediately returns. Trying to step through the program with the Mono debugger after this point results in the debugger hanging. I don't know where the Photon connection is supposed to be established yet but, regardless, it appears that this demo is as broken as the previous version.

Anyone have a clue? I paid for two Photon licenses assuming that Unity3d support wasn't going to be an issue.. did I make a mistake?


  • Leepo
    Hello White Rabbit,

    I'm sorry for your frustrations:

    1) Wooglie: This script was a leftover from submitting the demo to Wooglie. This script is inactive and can't hurt. However it will be removed from the demo ASAP, thanks for noting.

    2) The 1 FPS & scene problem:
    While we did submit the package as 'complete project' it seems that the scene settings are not saved to the asset store :S. You'll need to add the following scenes to your build settings:


    Without any build settings the game scene will runn 1FPS because it's constantly trying to load the main menu but instead loads the game scene in a loop.

    So the full instructions are:
    1) Create a new project.
    2) Download angrybots from the asset store.
    3) Fix the scene settings (as described above, scenes: 0,1,2,3)
    4) Setup your server via the Photon wizard (Cloud or your self hosted server(
    5) Start in the preloader or the main menu

    This worked for me on unity 3.4 + Photon cloud trial + current asset store version.
  • Scene 1_MainMenu? In the scenes folder there are:


    I just did the build and run with these 4 and it successfully ran. Now I need more documentation on Unity since it was not at all obvious to me that this was necessary - have always been able to run Unity scenes from within the editor without having to build an executable. The Vikings demo worked this way, for instance.

    Thank you very much. I would strongly suggest that you update the project on the asset store, since other people are experiencing the same frustrations and that obviously hurts peoples' perceptions of Photon.
  • Tobias
    Thanks for pointing out this issue! We really weren't aware of this.
    We already adjusted our projects and will upload a more clear version soon. Sorry for the confusion!