Sync Ai

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Sync Ai

2018-07-20 10:37:30

Hello ,
I am making a game where can join and leave whenever they want . i have AI in game which are constantly moving . how can i sync AI in all the clients, when a new player joins i want him to have Same Position of AI as other players who joined before him have.


2018-07-20 11:05:52

Also keep in mind i have 100-150 AI's per game

2018-07-20 13:35:17

Hi, the same way as you sync player (but instantiate and run AI logic on master client).
Or with RPC's:
a bit more complicated, but has some advantages.

2018-07-24 09:45:47

Hi @OneManArmy ,
i sync player with PhotonSerializeView . are you saying that i should instantiate player in master client and put SerializeView in each one of them ?

2018-07-24 12:04:15


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