PhotonPlayer to gameObject?
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PhotonPlayer to gameObject?
2018-06-01 13:29:11
How to get a gameObject of all players in the room? To get for example a component? It's seems simple but I cannot find the way to do that. A PhotonNetwork.playerList provides us with PhotonPlayers and now how to get their gameObjects?
Hi @Tomza
Whenever a player connect you get response in void OnPhotonPlayerConnected(PhotonPlayer newPlayer)
you have to instantiate a object and assign player details what ever you want to that object
Hi Akrosh, thank you for your answer.
For example, I have two players spawned in the game and I need to get a component, scripts, to call a function on them. How to do that?
2018-06-04 23:43:48
Hi @Tomza,
that's easy to do:
Create a new gameobject in your scene. Name it "Network". Don't add a photon view to it.
Add a script to that game object. The script contains something like that:
public List
In the script which is attached to your player gameobject write:
GameObject Network = GameObject.Find("Network");
If you want to get the player gameobject from another player do for example:
int HPOfPlayer2 = Network.AllPlayers.ToArray()[1].GetComponent
foreach(PhotonPlayer player in PhotonNetwork.playerList){
MK_UIController mk_UIController = player.[SOMETHING].GetComponent<MK_UIController>();
mk_UIController.AddMessage("Player " + other.NickName + " Left Game.");
How to iterate through the list of players to get their components so that I can call a function on them? What should be instead of the SOMETHING placeholder so that the code works? Hope it is clear what I meant.
@Tomza wrote:
foreach(PhotonPlayer player in PhotonNetwork.playerList){
MK_UIController mk_UIController = player.[SOMETHING].GetComponent<MK_UIController>();
mk_UIController.AddMessage("Player " + other.NickName + " Left Game.");
}How to iterate through the list of players to get their components so that I can call a function on them? What should be instead of the SOMETHING placeholder so that the code works? Hope it is clear what I meant.
Did you ever figure this out? This is the EXACT issue I'm dealing with
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