How to send a struct with PunTurnManager

Hi, I'm making a turnbased card game, I make all mechanics of the game, but I can't send the struct that includes the deck, the hand for each player , the cards in the table. The hand are a struc that includes a vector of another struct, I try to send with a instruction like this : "this.turnmanager.sendmove(MessageStruct);", but I can't send and receive it, so my question is: how I can send all struct? Or is it impossible to send?

there is the code of the structs:

struct cards
internal string value, suit;

struct hand
cards[] hand;
bool finishedcard; // for verify if the hand is empy

struct Message
List<cards> Table;
List<cards> Deck;
Hand LocalPlayer, RemotePlayer;
Stack<cards> StackLocal, StackRemote;

Message CardPack;

public void MakeTurn()

thanks for the answer