Possible to limit max players and max messages per room from Dashboard.

Looking to limit the max players and max messages per room from the Dashboard.
Seems like this should be an option in the Dashboard but could not find it.

I don't really want to set up self-hosted servers as this is the only real limitations I need to set.


  • I take that back after looking at the pricing structure. I am interested in using the self-hosted servers, but how would I go about locking down the max messages per room and also and max players.

    Also if this can be done with the dashboard somehow that would be very helpful for testing.
  • Hi @r_projects,

    you can set the MaxPlayers value using the Room Options when creating the room. There is no need to use the Dashboard for this task.
    RoomOptions roomOptions = new RoomOptions();
    roomOptions.MaxPlayers = 4; // for example
    PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom("Room Name", roomOptions, null);
    I'm not sure about a message limit, but I think there is no way to limit this because the amount of messages sent is determined by the number of players in the room and how many 'updates' they are sending.
  • r_projects
    Ok thanks for that.