Where put the dll to server access the Plugin?


When I create a dll plugin, where I must put it for the server access the plugin?


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Hi @PedroHN85,

    Thank you for choosing Photon!

    It's funny I can't find this info on our docs which seems so obvious to us ofc!
    The idea is to follow the webhooks plugin example, so the answer is:

    The plugin DLL should be inside a folder with path "deploy\Plugins\{PluginName}\bin" (ofc this is relative to the PhotonSocketServer.exe, we expect the folders hierarchy to be the same as what we provide in the SDK, so in relation to PhotonSocketServer.exe it should be "..\Plugins\{PluginName}\bin").
    The bin folder should also contain "PhotonHivePlugin.dll".