Persistent leaderboard/player ranking

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2018-01-18 13:50:08


I'm making a multiplayer game using Photon Engine PUN library. Everything working well, but now I want to have a leaderboard/ranking system that persists between played games. So the players can see the overall leaderboard from the main menu.

Does any Photon SDK support this or do I have to use something like Photon Server and create my own backend to store this info?



[Deleted User]
2018-01-18 14:08:05

Hi @redtea,

none of our SDKs supports this directly and you don't have to use Photon Server, which wouldn't support this as well, at least not out of the box.

Instead you either have to do such a leaderboard system on your own or use one that already exists. This is also related to the target platform of your game. If you are using Android for example, Google offers a leaderboard system with their tools, Amazon does the same if you are targeting FireOS (which is a modified Android version). Apple does have something similar.

In general checking out the Asset Store might be a good idea, too, to see what kind of solutions there are provided. You can also take a look at Playfab, which provides leaderboards and lots of other features, too.

2018-01-18 14:40:01

You might want to look into Playfab - .
Integrate Photon with their system using Webhooks.

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