About Loadbalancing configurations!!

edited December 2011 in Photon Server
Hi again!!!

Thesedays, I completed to implement my game playing logic into Game.cs in loadbalance solution!

but I stuck with few problems about the room creation and server to server interaction.

1. About connection timeout.
If game started, my server let a client to join the game server and trying to find opened room.
And there, I wanna know where I can find the room configuration.
Because I wanna drop the player right away from the game room if he disconnected even a second.
And my game will automatically add him a defeat count and the opponent will gain a win count.

2. Max player setting.
I wanna set the maximum player count by 2. My game is 1vs1 game. I set this value manually in Game.cs
but when I checked the log of Masters server It seems to be my setting doesn't applied. Where I can modify these basic room setting?

3. Server to Server conversation.
I made a database connection in the masterserver. So if a gameserver need some information about a player, the gameserver ask for it to masterserver. Currently i failed to find the way to server interaction(like operation between server and client) so i just make it possible by making another database connection in the game server. How can I declare server to server interaction? Is there something like OnGameServerRequest()?

Always so sorry about my poor English and thank for your help.


  • Self reply!

    1. If the peer in the client called disconnect() ordinarily, there was no connection timeouts! the server immediately called OnDisconnected() function.
    No worries in this case!

    2. There is the origin of maxplayer and joining timeout in Applobby.cs in master server, I could modify maxPlayer setting there!

    3. Still looking for it.
  • Tobias
    3. If you want to have a connection to a database, please make a remote connection to the db directly. Not though Photon! This would add overhead and synchronization where none is needed, aside a plain db connection.