Handling Disconnection issues

HI , i want to know how to properly handle disconnection in photon. When a player is currently on a dungeon and he / she disconnects. Do I put a reconnect and join on the OnPhotonDisconnect function but will i be able to spawn the player on his previous position ? + my camera is attached on this player so it also goes away upon disconnecting.
Thanks! :)


  • Hi @rokugatsu,

    since OnDisconnectedFromPhoton() is also called on regular Disconnects you should take a look at OnConnectionFail(DisconnectCause cause) which is called when something causes the connection to fail after it was established. To 'enable' PhotonNetwork.ReconnectAndRejoin(); you have to set up the room properly when creating it. Therefore you can use the RoomOptions to set values for PlayerTtl and EmptyRoomTtl. This might look like this:
    RoomOptions options = new RoomOptions
        PlayerTtl = 60000, // 60 seconds
        EmptyRoomTtl = 60000 // 60 seconds
    Don't forget to apply those options when creating the room.
  • rokugatsu
    Awesome @Christian_Simon , will try this one :) thanks a lot!