Rigidbody addForce on other Player

I'm looking for a workflow/Solution, to rigidbody.AddForce to other Players-GameObject-Rigidbody. Basically I do a SphereCast to get all near Colliders->Rigidbody, then calculate the direction and Rigidbody.AddForce to other Players-Rigidbody, but this way dont work on a Network.

I'm looking for a work around or somthing that could help.


  • S_Oliver
    Is it even possible to push other players rigidbody?
  • S_Oliver
    My Solution for this is :
    RaiseEvent from Client to MasterClient with Informations like : Vector3 direction, float force, int ID
    the MasterClient sends an Event to the Player with the ID.
    The Player reciev this and start rigidbidy.AddForce(direction * force) .

    small delay but its ok