How to sync Rigidbody Scene Object between players ?

Hi everyone.

Since yesterdayn I'm stuck in a problem I can't solve. I'll explain it fast and clearly :wink:

I have a multiplayer game in which players (who are birds in the game) can push many objects already in the scene and with PhotonView attached on, such as city bins, bottles, wooden boxes ... All those items have a rigidbody attached to it ... and here comes the problem : I don't understand how to sync them between each players !
Indeed, when the master client push an item, this one normally act and is smooth. But on the non-master clients, when pushing an object, this one is really really REALLY laggy. I think the problem is about physics's synchronisation and not transform because after the item stop moves, it is in the same location on each client.

I tried many things such as "Photon Rigidbody Sync", "Photon Transform Sync", custom OnSerializationView scripts ... but I'm unable to solve the problem.

If someone has an idea about it, I'm a taker :smiley:
