Integrating PhysX.Net with Photon

edited November 2011 in Photon Server
So I've built PhysX.Net ( and included the PhysX.Net.dll and all of its dependencies and ensured they are in the bin folder for my program. However, whenever i start up the Instance, i get the following error:

2044: 11:15:51.274 - CService::OnException() - Exception: CManagedHost::PhotonRunning() - Failed in AppDomain: 5 - Could not load file or assembly 'PhysX.Net.DLL' or one of its dependencies. The specified module could not be found.

Is there some place I can put these dlls so that PhotonControl can find them? This is the last step in my process for getting PhysX into Photon I'd hate for it to fail at this point.



  • dragagon
    A temporary fix is to put the dlls in the c:\windows\system32 directory, but I would like to know where I could add them so that they get referenced locally, such as in my assembly/bin directory.
  • dreamora
    Normally into the folder of the given photon application (where you copy their .dll too)

    also ensure that you have physx drivers installed.
  • dragagon
    Yeah, I had it in Photon/deploy/AegisBorn/bin, i had it in Photon/deploy/AegisBorn, I had it in the Photon/deploy/bin_Win64 and in the Photon/lib folder. It didn't like it until i had it in windows/system32. It works fine once the files are in windows/system32. I've been able to run the examples and everything before I started so I know i had the drivers installed, which is why i found it odd that the same files being in system32 would make it work.

  • dreamora
    Haven't looked at it, but potentially it uses a unmanaged dll?
    In that case such 'headache' is relatively normal, cause the lookup paths are not at the same places for the .NET and the unmanaged dll.

    Putting it into system32 might not needfully be needed but in a 'path' environment variable path where the 'general look for' runs through.
  • dragagon
    That would do it, actually. I forgot that unmanaged dlls might be in a different path and 4 of them are unmanaged that i manually move into the bin folder. Guess I can always modify my path environment, just something I'd rather not have to do, but would like to see in the PhotonControl.config if possible.