PUN 2.0 NetworkTransform Updated?

Hi all,

A while ago I posted about the NetworkTransform not syncing good enough and reported jittery movement. I've heard that Photon are working on it and there is an investigation and perhaps an update even in the works.

Currently starting a new project and I want to know if this has been resolved ever since then or is it still the case so far and should stick to PUN classic?


Best Answer


  • Vallar
    Bump, any news on this?
  • Vallar
    JohnTube said:

    Hi @Vallar,

    from v2.5's Version History:

    v2.5 (20th November 2018)
    Added: The component "PhotonTransformViewClassic", which provides all the options (and implementation) from PUN Classic (1.xy). Use this if you want to use the options that were previously available. This component is deliberately not used by default.
    Oh, interesting. Thank you very much for the confirmation :)