Instantiate non-prefab objects?

The documentation for InstantiateSceneObject says "Only the master client can Instantiate scene objects. Instead of using prefabs in the Resources folder, you can manually Instantiate and assign PhotonViews. See doc."

Do all networked objects need to be prefabs? I'm wondering what the second sentence above means. "See doc" is especially unhelpful without a link to the "doc" in question. Let's say I wanted to instantiate a primitive Sphere, color it blue, and then share this object between all players. Is this possible? Does InstantiateSceneObject only work with object in the Resources folder? I don't use the Resources folder. I use Asset bundles. Is there a way to spawn Asset bundle objects?


  • Msico
    I would also like to know the answer to this
  • Hi @BuilderWorldVR, hi @Msico,

    Let's say I wanted to instantiate a primitive Sphere, color it blue, and then share this object between all players. Is this possible?

    This can be done with Manual Instantiation. In this case you would have to tell the clients, to instantiate that Primitive locally and color it on their own. This can be done by using a custom event with certain parameters.