PhotonPlayer display other players name

Hi, how can I display other player's name? I have 4 players in room. I have already displayed name of local player and 1 other player. I have no idea how to display other 2 player's name.
private void UpdatePlayerTexts()
		PhotonPlayer remote = PhotonNetwork.player.GetNext();
		PhotonPlayer local = PhotonNetwork.player;

		if (remote != null)
			this.playerNames[1].text = remote.NickName + "        ";


			//TimerFillImage.anchorMax = new Vector2(0f,1f);
			//this.TimeText.text = "";
			//this.playerNames[1].text = "waiting for another player        00";

		if (local != null)
			// should be this format: "YOU   00"
			//this.playerNames[0].text = "YOU   " + local.GetScore().ToString("D2");
			this.playerNames[0].text = "YOU";
I have tried to add
PhotonPlayer remote2 = PhotonNetwork.player.GetNext();
if(remote2 != null)
this.playerNames[2].text = remote2.NickName +" ";

But all other texts displayer only 1 other players name.
Thank you


  • Hi @NomadicWarrior,

    you can set the player's nick name by using PhotonNetwork.player.NickName = "NickName";. This way the name gets automatically synchronized across the network, too. In order to access a player's nick name you can use the same call: string nickName = PhotonNetwork.player.NickName;.

    If you want to access the nick name from an object instantiated by the player, you can use the object's PhotonView component to get the name: string nickName = GetComponent<PhotonView>().owner.NickName;.

    If you want to have a list with all player names, you can iterate through the PlayerList for example with a for-each loop like shown below:
    foreach (PhotonPlayer p in PhotonNetwork.playerList)
        string nickName = p.NickName;
    Please note, that the PlayerList is only available, when the client is inside a room.
  • hi @Christian_Simon , thank you for answer
    I have 4 players in room and 4 text ui
    I have to set each players name to their uniq text. As RockPaperScissors. I don't need list of players.
    if is local set my name to Text[0].text = local player's name;
    Text[1].text = remote1 players's name;
    Text[2].text = remote2 player's name;
    Text[3].text = remote3 players name;
  • Anyone please, I still can't see other players name
    public string[] playerMass = new string[4];
    public string pName1;
    public string pName2;
    public string pName3;
    public string pName4;
    public string _yourName;
                    pName1 = playerMass [0];
    		pName2 = playerMass [1];
    		pName3 = playerMass [2];
    		pName4 = playerMass [3];
    _yourName = PhotonNetwork.playerName;
    		//PhotonPlayer _players = PhotonNetwork.player.GetNext ();
    		//playerMass [PhotonNetwork.playerList.Length] = PhotonNetwork.player.NickName;
    		foreach (PhotonPlayer p in PhotonNetwork.playerList)
    			playerMass [PhotonNetwork.playerList.Length] = p.NickName;
  • hi @Christian_Simon , thank you for answer
    I have total 4 players in room. And I have 4 UI Text gameobject.
    Text 1 - is mine (local) "You"
    Text2, Text3, Text4 - for other players;
    Text1 = You
    Text2 = NomadicWarrior
    Text3 = Christian_Simon
    Text4 = Bob.
  • Romin
    IF you want to set data in a lobby correct way to do this is

    public override void OnJoinedRoom()

    public void SetLobbyPlayersData()
    for (int index = 0; index < PhotonNetwork.playerList.Length; index++)
    text_playerNames[index].text = "";


    int i = 0;

    for (int index = 0; index < PhotonNetwork.playerList.Length; index++)

    text_playerNames[index].text = PhotonPlayer.Find(i + 1).NickName;
    catch (Exception e)



    This way even if anyone leaves lobby and somone else joins later it will be handled
  • deadlysnix
    I attached the following script on the input field:
    public class NameFestlegen : Photon.MonoBehaviour
        public static string Name;
        private GameObject Dings;
        public void Run()
            Name = gameObject.GetComponent<InputField>().text;
            PhotonNetwork.player.NickName = Name;
    And this script on the players avatar:
    public class ShowInfoOfPlayer : Photon.MonoBehaviour
        private GameObject textGo;
        private TextMesh tm;
        public bool DisableOnOwnObjects;
        void Start()
            if (tm == null) //wenn textmesh
                textGo = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<TextMesh>().gameObject;
                tm = textGo.GetComponent<TextMesh>();
        void Update()
            bool showInfo = !this.DisableOnOwnObjects || this.photonView.isMine;
            if (textGo != null)
            if (!showInfo)
            PhotonPlayer owner = this.photonView.owner;
            if (owner != null)
                tm.text = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(owner.NickName)) ? "player" + owner.ID : owner.NickName;
            else if (this.photonView.isSceneView)
                tm.text = "scn";
                tm.text = "n/a";
    It works find but I only tried it with two players. Maybe it works with more players too.
  • Luntay
    with this bad boi's just have to put these underneath so they are set after thet have been assigned=D
    pName1 = playerMass [0];
    pName2 = playerMass [1];
    pName3 = playerMass [2];
    pName4 = playerMass [3];