Cloud (PUN) vs Server Clarification

Unless I'm mistaken about how modern Peer-to-Peer works, I assume it's a weak solution for something like a player vs player FPS game, but I enjoy the deployment features that the Cloud offers - Regional servers, regional matchmaking, etc.

If we switch off of our PUN Prototype onto a dedicated server platform for our full game, do we lose access to features like that or are regional servers still hosting through Photon using the dedicated server option?


  • Kaiserludi
    Hi @CuirassEntertainment.

    Photon Cloud is not p2p. It's client to server with the Photon Cloud servers being the server side and PUN (or another Photon Client SDK) bein the client side.

    However we don't allow custom server-side code on the public cloud as it is a shared environment and issues in the custom code of one developer could affect the security and/or performance of the apps of other developers.

    The whole point in using the self-hosted Photon server option is that you do the hosting yourself. This means a) that you are free to run your own server-side code, but also b) that because you do the hosting, you need to operate servers in various regions of the world yourself if you want to provide regional servers and regional matchmaking to your users.

    There is a third option as well that may be what you are looking for:
    Photon Enterprise Cloud: With this option we host a dedicated Photon Cloud just for you, so you get the best out of both worlds: we do the hosting and operate the servers for you (the same regions are available as with the public cloud), so you don't need to have dedicated server operation engineers in your team and at the same time you can run custom server side code on the Enterprise Cloud.

    However this option is a bit more expensive than the other two. In case that that is not a problem for you and you want to go with this third option, contact us by email (
  • Sorry for my misinformation. This helps a great deal! Thank you.