Problems running the C++ sample "demo_windows_chat_console" on Windows

Hi there !
I'm testing your wonderful tool, and I'm having problems with the "chat" sample. I changed libs to link to VS2015, and now when I run sample (with my own app id), I've got weird error messages in the console:
Connecting to nameserver as user user7
onStateChange: 1
onStateChange: 2
onStateChange: 4
onStateChange: 6
onStateChange: 7
connectReturn: 0
(then if I press "s" = suscribe)
Adding friends: user0 ... user511
2017-10-18 01:04:29,580 ERROR Client.cpp ExitGames::Chat::Client::onOperationResponse() line: 657 - OperationResponse - operationCode: 0, returnCode: -2 (Unknown operation code)
2017-10-18 01:04:29,586 ERROR Client.cpp ExitGames::Chat::Client::onOperationResponse() line: 657 - OperationResponse - operationCode: 6, returnCode: -2 (Unknown operation code)
And no message seems to be sent/received, on any channel.
Pressing "l" to list channels gives this (empty), whatever is done/sent before
Private Channels:
Any idea from a veteran here ?

Thanks :)


  • Kaiserludi
    Hi @matfrem.

    That looks like the app ID that you are using is not the one of a chat-app.

    Photons name server looks at the appID to figure out what type of client application want's to connect and based on that decides to which type of server it should redirect the client. LoadBalancing clients get redirected to a LoadBalancing master server, while Chat clients get redirected to a Chat frontend. Those two server types don't understand the operations of each other.
    The error message indicates that your Chat client got redirected to a LoadBalancing server, not to a Chat server and then requests from that server to execute a type of operation that is only understood by a Chat Server, not by a LoadBalancing server.
  • matfrem

    Perfect answer thanks !
    As a side note, on the dev interface, nothing is written to explain server type, only icon, not that easy for a new user :)
  • Kaiserludi
    Hi @matfrem.

    As a side note, on the dev interface, nothing is written to explain server type, only icon, not that easy for a new user

    I will point the colleague who is in charge of website dashboard development to this thread, so that he can read you feedback. Thank you for providing it.