Solution for players in different scenes?

Hi all.

I currently have 3 scenes: a main menu scene (offline), a character creation scene (online) and the game map (online). The main menu scene has two options, which are simply to play as the host or play as the client.

The main issue that I am encountering is that the character is not spawned when the player finishes character creation. It seems to be because the server callbacks specifically for that scene were not added when Bolt started. They have been labelled with [BoltGlobalBehaviourAttribute(BoltNetworkModes.Host, "Overworld")] in the script, as I believe is correct.

This only seems to be an issue when manually changing scene through Unity.SceneManagement, rather than BoltNetworks.LoadMap (which, called on the server, forces everyone's map to change).

The immediate ways I can think of solving the issue is to manually add the game map's server callbacks, to load more than one map on the server at a time, or to allow the server and client to be on different scenes, however I cannot work out how to make any of these happen.

I can provide any more information you might think is helpful :smile:


  • stanchion
    You can use additive scenes to do this. If you're auth then the host needs to load all scenes clients are in.