Authoritative Logic in Photon Server [Self hosted]

I have developed a turn based game using photon cloud but it is very easy to cheat plus I'm getting sync issues in multiplayer mode. I want to use self hosted authoritative photon server.
As far as I can tell by reading [very limited and scattered] documentation. I have to edit load balancing app provided in photon server sdk and implement my logic in it. Can you give me a flow of how i would implement it?

What I want is save the game state on server and Implement a timer. As soon as timers runs out current players turn will be skipped and everyone in game will be notified of the game state.
It would be really helpful if you could give me a link to any tutorial on authoritative photon server which actually implements some custom logic. I hv searched a lot only thing i found is how to setup the server.


  • chvetsov
    hi, @Im_Skywalker

    you need to use plugins in this case. it is much more easier to get there with plugins
  • Thanks for quick reply. But I have already read through all the docs and the problem is language used in those docs is very vague for me, it just says "do this" doesn't say where or how. I need a guide or tutorial on implementing authoritative logic it can be anything, as long as it explains every step.
  • chvetsov
    well, we do not have such totorials because we do not do such things. in photon socket server sdk you may find 'TestPlugins' they contain many plugins which checks differnt aspecect of plugin and photon behaviour. so, probably you may find inspiration there
