PhotonView.isMine is returning true when it's not

I'm getting a strange behavior, checking isMine is returning true when actually it's not, this is happening on a client (real owner) and the master client, this is making the master client also "try" to destroy an object that was already destroyed by the real owner of the object. How can I avoid this?

Thanks in advance.


  • Rodolfo_Rubens
    I think it would be better if we could check for the photon view existence in the room (not in the client side like PhotonView.Find) before destroying instead of relying on the security of having called the PhotonNetwork.Destroy method only once... Is there such a method?
  • Rodolfo_Rubens
    edited May 2017
    Ah, got it, before sending the RPC that calls the destroy method (I need to call destroy in an RPC because before destroying I need to instantiate an effect on all clients, the destroy is wrapped on a "isMine" check in this rpc method) I was transferring the ownership, I think there was not enough time to transfer the ownership and destroy in all clients, it was being transferred on the client that transferred the ownership but not on the master client and the default owner of the object is the master client, then the destroy was being executed before the ownership transfer in the master client, which means that the master client was still thinking that he was the owner of the object in the isMine check moment, and so was the client.