Photon Chat not connecting

I am trying to evaluate Photon Chat for my current game. I have followed this example. I am calling service in update, and have called the connect method and made sure authentication is off, but I never get connected.


  • My issue was caused by not providing a username. (I had my steam client turned off, so the username was empty). Even still, this seems to be odd behavior. I would expect an exception when calling connect.
  • hello
    my issue unity3d webgl project to implement photon chet plugin but web socket problem. not working in photon chat perfectly.

    - For UNITY_WEBGL, use protocol WebSocketSecure. Overriding currently set protcol Udp.

    second error
    - Connect failed. SocketImplementationConfig is null for protocol WebSocketSecure: {(ConnectionProtocol)Udp=(MonoType)ExitGames.Client.Photon.SocketUdp, (ConnectionProtocol)Tcp=(MonoType)ExitGames.Client.Photon.SocketTcp}