Messages Per Room Limit?

Is there a limit on the number of Messages per room, I'm pretty sure its 500 right? I have PUN+ so I know that the max CCU is 100.

I checked my dashboard and it says that the messages per room was at 185. I have been testing my game with only two players and its already at 185 which is kinda concerning. My game basically consists of a like 30 rpcs. I do not use OnPhotonSerializeView() anywhere, however I have the Photon View component on some of my gameobjects. Is the Photon View needed?

Also, is it bad to have this in Update()? (Does it use up messages?)

PhotonPlayer[] playerArray = PhotonNetwork.playerList;
foreach(PhotonPlayer player in playerArray) {
if(player.ID == networkRoomPlayer.tempPlayer.ID) {
if(player.ID == networkRoomPlayer.orderPlayer1) {
playerNumberInfoText.text = "Player 1";
if(player.isMasterClient) {
playerNumberInfoText.text += "/Host";


  • Tobias
    The PhotonView is needed for the RPCs but it doesn't have to send anything. Just don't put anything into the observed list.

    How many players do you plan? A RPC is a message that goes to the server and then to all receiving players in the room. The more frequent you send, the more messages, obviously.

    The messages limit is not a hard one. If one game goes over it but some others are not, then we won't do anything about it. Also, the first thing we do is to get in contact with you, if the limit is a problem.