Rating based match making


I need to implement a ratings based match making system, such as Elo or Glicko ratings. Looking at the documentation i can see that when calling JoinRandomRoom I can specify the expected custom room properties. So I guess I could use that to iteratively find a game with the closest ranking, starting at the target ranking and progressively moving outwards from it until one is found.
But this strikes me as a rather inefficient brute force approach, and I was wondering if there's a better way to achieve this or if anyone had any other ideas.



  • Tobias
    We are working on a solution that will better support saving ELO (or any skill) in an account. This will enable you evaluate the result of a match server-side.

    Also upcoming is an API for more flexible matchmaking. In a new lobby type, we use sql queries across up to 10 columns which you fill via room properties. The matchmaking request can in turn ask something like "C0 >= minSkill AND C0 <= maxSkill". If you advance skills in minimal steps, this is still rather brute force but better than matching exact values.
    You can either limit the number of "ever more relaxed" filters or you can relax matchmaking based on the amount of currently available games. Lets say there are 5 games total, you don't want to go through a max of 10 filters but if there are 100 rooms, you might search for a very specific skill value.

    I am not totally sure when I can add this to mainstream PUN but the servers are done and I only have to open up the API accordingly.
  • I look forward to seeing this new matchmaking api in PUN. Until then I think I'll have to take this brute force method, but relaxing the filters based on number of available games makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the info and the tip.
  • JodySVS
    So did this API ever get opened up?