Documentation errors

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Thanks :)


  • Only two of the important code screenshots are showing on the Photon Server "hello world" part 1 tutorial. The using statements screenshot and the screenshot with the drop down box for automatically implementing the IPhotonPeerListener are showing, but none of the code snippets after that are there. The console screenshots are also displaying correctly. Tried this just a few minutes ago on both Internet Explorer and Google Chrome using Windows.
  • The same goes for part 2 - only the first code snippet and the console screenshots are showing.
  • Same thing with the "app from scratch" tutorial.
  • Tobias
    These issues should be fixed now.
    Known issue: The line-counting isn't correct in all cases.
  • Hi,

    Not sure what it mean, i am very newbie
    MonoDevelop (Mac os X) show a warning at line 15 (var peer = new PhotonPeer (listener); )

    `ExitGames.Client.Photon.PhotonPeer.PhotonPeer(ExitGames.Client.Photon.IPhotonPeerListener)' is obsolete: `Use the constructor with ConnectionProtocol instead.' (CS0618) (HelloWorld1)
  • hi again,

    this is not really an error, just a suggestion to make those very first tutorial more readable.

    In Preparation: Refactoring the Main Flow section, you should add a comment about "using".
    using ExitGames.Client.Photon.Lite;
    without that you got typing error with "peer.OpCustom((byte)LiteOpCode.Join, opParams, true);"

    For Mac / MonoDevelop users need to reference System.Core to get .linq

    thanks for those very well written tuts.
  • "enum EvCodeEnum..." is not in Final Demo Code
  • Hi, two enums are missing in the final code for HelloWorld2:

    [code2=csharp]enum OpCodeEnum : byte
    Join = 255,
    Leave = 254,
    RaiseEvent = 253,
    SetProperties = 252,
    GetProperties = 251

    enum EvCodeEnum : byte
    Join = 255,
    Leave = 254,
    PropertiesChanged = 253

    There is also a warning with which I don't know exactly what to do for the moment...
    Warning 1 'ExitGames.Client.Photon.PhotonPeer.PhotonPeer(ExitGames.Client.Photon.IPhotonPeerListener)' is obsolete: 'Use the constructor with ConnectionProtocol instead.' C:\Users\Philippe Lang\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\HelloWorld2\HelloWorld2\Program.cs 40 25 HelloWorld2
  • Philip
    StarCmd wrote:
    hi again,

    this is not really an error, just a suggestion to make those very first tutorial more readable.

    In Preparation: Refactoring the Main Flow section, you should add a comment about "using".
    using ExitGames.Client.Photon.Lite;
    without that you got typing error with "peer.OpCustom((byte)LiteOpCode.Join, opParams, true);"

    For Mac / MonoDevelop users need to reference System.Core to get .linq

    thanks for those very well written tuts.

    Thank you for the suggestion StarCmd - just added the note to our tutorials.
  • Philip
    plang wrote:
    Hi, two enums are missing in the final code for HelloWorld2:

    [code2=csharp]enum OpCodeEnum : byte
    Join = 255,
    Leave = 254,
    RaiseEvent = 253,
    SetProperties = 252,
    GetProperties = 251

    enum EvCodeEnum : byte
    Join = 255,
    Leave = 254,
    PropertiesChanged = 253

    This is now fixed in our Tutorial - thank you plang and StarCmd.
    There is also a warning with which I don't know exactly what to do for the moment...
    Warning 1 'ExitGames.Client.Photon.PhotonPeer.PhotonPeer(ExitGames.Client.Photon.IPhotonPeerListener)' is obsolete: 'Use the constructor with ConnectionProtocol instead.' C:\Users\Philippe Lang\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\HelloWorld2\HelloWorld2\Program.cs 40 25 HelloWorld2

    The warning is just saying that its recommended to update the code to use a new constructor - meaning you should change it from
    new PhotonPeer(this);
    new PhotonPeer(this, ConnectionProtocol.Udp);

    Note: this is now also fixed in our Tutorials.
  • This tutorial begins to make no sense/is lacking a lot of information once you reach the "Smooth Moves" section. As soon as I reached that area I couldn't make heads or tails of anything.

    "We need another script. Create a “NetworkCharacter” C# script in the Marco Polo folder. Add it to the “monsterprefab” and make it the observed component of the PhotonView (drag & drop)." I can't seem to drag the script onto the observe component. I tried skipping that part and couldn't.

    void Update()
    if (!photonView.isMine)
    transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, this.correctPlayerPos, Time.deltaTime * 5);
    transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, this.correctPlayerRot, Time.deltaTime * 5);
    void OnPhotonSerializeView(PhotonStream stream, PhotonMessageInfo info)
    if (stream.isWriting)
    // We own this player: send the others our data
    // Network player, receive data
    this.correctPlayerPos = (Vector3)stream.ReceiveNext();
    this.correctPlayerRot = (Quaternion)stream.ReceiveNext();

    Then that lacks a lot of definition and information. It's just completely broken half way through.
  • Tobias
    Ok, the drag and drop part might be really unclear.
    The created script must first be assigned as component to the game object. You can do that (again) by drag and drop, from project window to the game object.
    After making it a part of the game object, you can observe it (by dragging this game object's script to the "observe" entry of the other component).

    I skipped the definitions and even some code to concentrate on the important part. Where the brain gets some new knowledge. This keeps away the clutter that fully copied code sometimes is.
    Download the Free Photon Unity Networking package from the Asset Store, if you just want the running code.
    All game images except for the first one have incorrect urls due to an extra quote at the end. For example:
    [code2=html]<img src=""&quot; alt="Photon Cloud References: glu">[/code2]
    Last paragraph of Section 2 has an incorrect image link:

    [code2=plain]![Photon Cloud Screenshot: Application List ApplicationID]]([/code2]
  • FodderMK wrote:
    All game images except for the first one have incorrect urls due to an extra quote at the end. For example:
    [code2=html]<img src=""&quot; alt="Photon Cloud References: glu">[/code2]
    Last paragraph of Section 2 has an incorrect image link:

    [code2=plain]![Photon Cloud Screenshot: Application List ApplicationID]]([/code2]

    Fixed, thanks for the report
    6) Set the value of Photon.Azure.StorageAccountName to <your-new-storage> and set the value of Photon.Azure.StorageAccountName by pasting the SECONDARY ACCESS KEY copied in 4).
    It should be Photon.Azure.StorageAccountKey as the second value name.
  • Good catch, thanks! It's now fixed.
  • I am trying to follow your terrible and incomplete Marcopolo/Monsters tutorial (this should be called a "Setback" instead of a tutorial). Anyway I followed it exactly and this statement:

    if (!photonView.isMine)

    gives me this error:

    "Assets/Marco Polo/NetworkCharacter.cs(16,21): error CS0103: The name `photonView' does not exist in the current context"

    I am now hopelessly lost!
  • In your Marcopolo tutorial is this statement: "After instantiating our monster, we can grab its myThirdPersonController component and activate it."

    Where by God is "myThirdPersonController" and "ThirdPersonController"?
  • in your Marcopolo tutorial, after downloading the Monster character asset from the asset store you write:

    "After import, we will do some preparation for later use: Rename the folder “character1” to “Resources”. "

    Doing that breaks all the links to the various script in the monsterprefab! WTF!
  • Has anyone actually finished this Marcopolo tutorial.
  • Tobias
    Since writing the tutorial, the Monster asset was updated, so there are inconsistencies. Also, the Marco Polo scene in the Photon Unity Networking package needed some adjustments to not collide with other scripts in the package.
    We're on that.

    Renaming or moving assets around in the project should not be a problem but you need to do that in Unity Editor. Then it should work. In general, you might want to avoid doing anything out of Unity.
  • I wasn't doing anything outside of Unity. I know that. I've been coding for 30+ years. Also that ThirdPersonController isn't even in the MarcoPolo-Tutorial folder/project. It's deep down in in the DemoWorker folder. I completely gave up on your tutorial. I can look at the completed project that is in the Photon Unity Networking that is downloaded from the Asset store but since it mixes assets with the DemoWorker, even that is confusing.
  • Tobias
    I'm sorry this got too confusing over time. It's been moved around, I know.
    Hopefully my colleague can fix it next week. It's planned as next task.
  • SamusAranX
    Somewhere in the "get started in 5 minutes" tutorial for Photon server should be a note that an internet connection is required to authenticate licenses. I disconnected from wifi to ensure that my client wasn't connecting to the cloud (to prevent false positives), and my Photon Server wasn't starting. I looked through the logs and finally discovered that it was because it couldn't authenticate.

    Thanks! Photon is awesome!
  • SamusAranX
    edited April 2013
    One more thing: you should also add a quick note that closing the Photon Control does not close any servers that it started. This wasn't immediately obvious to me, so for a second I thought I was getting false positives, until I restarted the Photon Control and noticed that the server was already running.
  • Tobias
    Good feedback. Added those to the "5 minutes" tutorial while keeping it brief.
  • Thanks! Fixed.
  • Fixed. Thank you!