Get room list when inside room, Using another peer

Hey, I'm making a game where instead of the lobby you immediately connect to a room which is like your hang out place and you can invite friend and all that.
But i want the person to be able to browse the room list when inside his room.
I read somewhere that this can be achieved by using 2 peers. I don't care about the player count, so this seems like a good idea.

I got a peer running by doing:
peer = new PhotonPeer(ConnectionProtocol.Udp);
peer.Connect(PhotonNetwork.ServerAddress, "VariationC");

and in the update
if(peer.PeerState == PeerStateValue.Connected)peer.Service();

But i don't know where to go from there. Any help appreciated


  • TrilliumLTD
    I tried using the load balancing client api.
    But another problem occurred:
    public LoadBalancingClient client = new LoadBalancingClient();

    void Start()
    client.MasterServerAddress = PhotonNetwork.ServerAddress;
    client.AppId = PhotonNetwork.PhotonServerSettings.AppID;
    client.AppVersion = "0.01";
    client.AutoJoinLobby = true;

    void Update()

    And it's stuck on ConnectingToMasterserver.
    What am i doing wrong here?
    I want to get the client.RoomInfoList. to get the rooms while in another room
  • Hi @TrilliumLTD,

    you have to call client.Service(); otherwise no 'network progress' will be made.
  • TrilliumLTD
    edited June 2017
    I added client.Service(); in update, and now it's stuck on
    I added client.ConnectToNameServer(); at start.
    now it's only prints ConnectedToNameServer

    hh okay so i added client.ConnectToRegionMaster("eu"); after ConnectToNameServer(), at start.
    And it says "Joined Lobby".
    But i'm not getting the server list.
    Both the PhotonNetwork and the load balancing connect using "0.01" App Version. But i still don't get the server list.

    foreach (var item in client.RoomInfoList.Keys)
    print(client.RoomInfoList[item] + " " + item);
    is not printing anything.
  • Service() function needs to be called on a regular basis like ten times a second. Since you only want to receive a room list, try calling it just four or five times a second. You have multiple possibilities to do that: Coroutines, Tasks, Threads, InvokeRepeating. Please make sure that Service() function is called regularly.