Working with plugins

Hello again guys :)
I'm actually trying to understand how to use plugins for make a server side logic, but i'm not sure about how it work,
do you have some exemples so i can try to understand..

My game is room based game (with 4 client per room) and I don"t want the client to have the possibility to create rooms. I want everything to be managed by the server.

where can i find some exemples?

Thanks guys :)


  • chvetsov
    hi, @JuRenaud

    >where can i find some exemples?
    we have some samples included in sdk. that is it.

    >My game is room based game (with 4 client per room) and I don"t want the client to have the possibility to create rooms. I want everything to be managed by the server.
    Implementation of LoadBalancing does not support server side room creation. Rooms are always created by user request. but what you may do is adding of checks whether this game can be created or not.

    using timers you may create time depended logic in your plugin. using plugin callbacks you may add event driven logic, add validation of what is sent by user. using http requsets you may involve external storage to save states and results
