Please remove the red error - "Ev Destroy Failed. Could not find PhotonView with instantiationId"

Kurtav ✭✭
class NetworkingPeer , 2532 line
if (this.DebugOut >= DebugLevel.ERROR) Debug.LogError("Ev Destroy Failed. Could not find PhotonView with instantiationId " + instantiationId + ". Sent by actorNr: " + actorNr);

Objects(PhotonNetwork.Instantiate) are always deleted(PhotonNetwork.Destroy) through collisions. But in a Unity, sometimes collisions occur twice instead of one(OnTriggerEnter2D, OnCollisionEnter2D) . Bag Physics Unity.

What should I now insert flags in each collision to test the collision once due to your red error?

But this is still not a solution to the problem. If at this point I delete not myself, but another object, then I need to return the flag back to the false. And this is even worse.

I can not comment out this line of PUN in packages of the asset store. There your PUN library is downloaded separately in some of my packs. Users who catch these red bugs and put me a score of two per product