Command not being received by the server


I am just getting started with Bolt and really love how easy it looks to sync the variables. I've mostly worked with unet and it is going to be a breath of fresh air not having to deal with SyncVars and custom serialization just to move a character.

With that said, I am having an issue related to commands not being received by the server. To get started, I've created a new state to sync the transform:


And now I'd like to send input from the client to the server so I created a new command:


I didn't create a result yet because my goal is to first get this working. Within code on the character object I am sending the input through the InputCommand:

public override void SimulateController()
var input = InputCommand.Create();
input.HorizontalMovement = m_HorizontalMovement;
input.ForwardMovement = m_ForwardMovement;
input.LookRotation = m_LookRotation;
And I receive it with ExecuteCommand (including some output):

public override void ExecuteCommand(Bolt.Command command, bool resetState)
var inputCmd = (InputCommand)command;
m_Handler.HorizontalMovement = inputCmd.Input.HorizontalMovement;
m_Handler.ForwardMovement = inputCmd.Input.ForwardMovement;
m_Handler.LookRotation = inputCmd.Input.LookRotation;
Debug.Log("Received " + inputCmd.Input.ForwardMovement);
When I play the game on the server instance only the server input is outputted which makes me believe the server never received the client's command. Did I setup something incorrectly? Or is there a switch that I need to flip?

Thank you!