Tutorial in C++ or code example

edited October 2011 in Native

I would like to know if there is any C++ tutorial to set up your server.

Thank you very much.


  • dreamora
    I might be missunderstanding what you are looking for but: The server side programming is only in C#, you can't use C++ for it.
    C++ is only for the client side
  • Ok thank you, I wanted to use C++ but I suppose that I have no choice but to use C#
  • Kaiserludi
    Kaiserludi admin
    edited October 2011
    The server low level core is written in C++ for performance reasons, but it's high-level parts including it's API are written in C# for productivity reasons.
    So the only way to do your server-side programming in C++ is to write your own wrapper around the C# API, sorry.
    However for the clientside you currently can choose between C, C++ (both available for Windows, iOS, OS X, Marmalade and Meego), objC (for iOS and OS X), C# (for .NET, Silverlight and Unity3D), Java (for Android) and Actionscript (for Flash), depending on the client-platform(s), which you want to support.
  • Ok thank you for your answers.

    I wanted to host my server on Linux, I see that it is not possible :(