GrayscaleEffect update issue

I think I've identified, and also fixed, a small bug in PlayerCamera.cs, UpdateCamera(), where the latest bolt release that I've received (beta-, feb 5, 2017) is attempting to use the old image effect named "GrayscaleEffect" instead of the new version (as released in the latest Unity StandardAssets), which is named simply "Grayscale".

What is the best way to report this problem? Is posting here sufficient?

As a temporary fix I've gone ahead and modified bolt/sample/Bolt_sample/scripts/Player/PlayerCamera.cs to use the new Grayscale image effect instead of the old one. There are likely also cascading problems to be dealt with in the bolt sample prefabs, etc.

This is nothing major I guess, but it's causing errors whenever I import bolt or the standard assets image effects, it breaks the other one.