Get the used OS of a Player

Hi TrueSyncTeam,

Is there a way to get the used OS of a Player?
I calculate my input differently depending on the used OS (Android/Windows). Therefore on each client the correct code for each player has to be executed depending on the used OS of each player.
Is the used OS of a player somewhere stored in TrueSync or PhotonEngine so that every client knows the data of every other player?



  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @John05,

    Thank you for choosing Photon!

    This is a Unity question and not specific to TrueSync.
    You can use Unity's Platform Defines.
    Or use runtime checks using Application.platform.
    The OS string is available using SystemInfo.operatingSystem.
  • John05
    Hi @JohnTube,

    Thanks for the answer, but I am already using the things you mention, and that led to my problem.
    So no, this is not a Unity question:
    "Is the used OS of a player somewhere stored in TrueSync or PhotonEngine so that every client knows the data of every other player?"

    Is there an easy way (maybe already built-in?) to get the platform of another player that has joined your game? As the code of all joined players has to be executed at every client, I have problems when there are PC and Android players in one game together, as they have to execute other input code depending on the platform. But currently the PC build executes the PC-specific code for every other player, likewise the Android build => leads to desync.