OpJoinRandomRoom & room properties

edited February 2017 in DotNet

OpJoinRandomRoom does not work When I add room properties.I think I do not have to do something right, but I do not know what. If I don't add properties on OpJoinRandomRoom everything is working, but I want properties to filter relative to the level of the player ...

I use Unity

Here is the code to join
public void JoinRandomGame(int maxPlayer, int level)
roomMaxPlayer = maxPlayer;
roomLevel = level;

Hashtable props = new Hashtable();
props["level"] = roomLevel;

OpJoinRandomRoom(props ,(byte)maxPlayer);

// OpJoinRandomRoom(null,0); work well

Here is the code when no room found
public void CreateRoom()
string newRoomName = this.NickName + "-" + Random.Range(0, 1000).ToString("D4"); // for int, Random.Range is max-exclusive!
Debug.Log("Game will create: " + newRoomName);

Hashtable props = new Hashtable();
props["level"] = roomLevel;

RoomOptions roomOptions = new RoomOptions()
MaxPlayers = (byte)roomMaxPlayer,
CustomRoomProperties = props,
EmptyRoomTtl = 5000,
PlayerTtl = int.MaxValue

OpCreateRoom(newRoomName, roomOptions, TypedLobby.Default);


Thank you


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