One-Time Sync

edited February 2017 in Photon Bolt
I understand I can use an event to perform the equivalent of an RPC, but in my particular case I need to sync arrays of different objects with properties to each player one time at startup, and then never again. Is there a more efficient way to achieve this? Or am I okay just making BoltEntitys for everything?

This is for a procedurally generated terrain with clusters of rocks and trees.


  • stanchion
    Use the BinaryData property of events to send byte arrays
  • DirtyHippy
    Or use a token in the event which might be a little cleaner. That binarydata property was something I requested a long time ago, before there were tokens.

    Also, for this type of action I would probably not use events and rather reliable streaming. This would allow you to send much larger chunks of data throttled by the server. Once the client has received everything he can ack the server letting him know he is all set, and then the server can commence whatever is necessary to put him into the world.

    However, unfortunately reliable streaming is broken right now, although I think they are working on fixing it.