Get Connection State of the ITEM in MMO

Hello, I'm working with the current Unity3DGrid example of the MMO application.

I've noticed that if the player disconnects from the server and is not in the area of interest of other players, they have no way of knowing that the disconnected player is really disconnected.

None Disconnect event is triggered for other players unless they are in the area of interest. This is relatively good. The problem is in the UPDATE process of items referring to players who are no longer connected. In my Unity Editor I can see that the player's Prefab object continues in the scene even though it is no longer connected. In the Script of the player it only knows that it is not active for updates and thus it disables the rendering of the mesh, but the object still exists and its UPDATE continues to consume process.

I'm trying to implement some verifier so I can check if a certain player is actually connected, otherwise I will effect the destruction of his components on the scene.

Currently in my script of players in Unity I have how to know if the player should be processed, from the following script:
if (this.item.IsUpToDate == false)

            ShowActor(false); //Desactive mesh render
Maybe it would be interesting if I had so mething like this to know that this object is no longer connected:
And even if the OnDisconnected event or OneWorld Exit triggered for all online players regardless of interestArea .

I'm working with the Photon.MmoDemo.Client.Unity3D source , but I'm not having success.