is there anybody who succeed in building release mode in bolt

When I import bolt_release.unitypackage with instruction on the page (
, some error messages appear. The error messages indicate that BoltPrefabs can not be found. (error : BoltPrefabs does not contain a definition for ...)
However I can run my project with debug bolt with the same condition.

Please help me.

Best Answer


  • Ken
    edited January 2017
    Thank you for the answer, Stanchion mod.

    I re-installed and compiled assembly again on new project.
    But I could not solved the problem.

    Those compile errors that appear after installing

    Assets/bolt/sample/ClickToMove/clickToMoveCallbacks.cs(10,65): error CS0117: `BoltPrefabs' does not contain a definition for `clickToMovePlayer'

    Also, I can't find the solution to the problem on troubleshooting section. Could you provide previous version of bolt engine that works properly in release build?
  • omartens
    Hi Ken,
    import only the release package in a new project and install Bolt, that solves the problem.
  • Ken
    It works with new making project!!
    Thank you omartens!

  • teq
    You can just backup bolt.dll.meta before updating then replace it after