Quick questions about Bolt

Hi, I have some simple quick questions, cause I'm interested in getting Bolt.

1. I'm using a FSM instead of mecanim to handle my animations, will I be able to sync player properties over the network that handles the animations?

2. My game already uses Unity's built in colliders, will I need to switch over to Bolt's hitbox in order to make use of the lag compensation etc?


  • stanchion
    1. Yes, but it will not be done automatically as with mecanim
    2. You do not need to change your use of Unity colliders, you just need to add Bolt hitboxes to targets that need lag compensation like players.
  • supermoof
    stanchion said:

    1. Yes, but it will not be done automatically as with mecanim
    2. You do not need to change your use of Unity colliders, you just need to add Bolt hitboxes to targets that need lag compensation like players.

    Awesome, one more question. Will I need to put Bolt hitboxes on all objects/children that have a collider? Or will putting it on a root parent gameobject work?
  • McCann
    @supermoof - have you tested it yet?
    From my tests, Bolt hitboxes behave a lot like colliders; so, either way should work but depends on your object and goals. However, you do need the HitboxBody to encapsulate your Hitboxes for that entity.