Scene's physic objects synchronisation

Hi, I'm would like to have rigidbody objects in my scene (like balls, we could say) and every clients should be able to push those objects.
So the question is, how do I sync the physics or even the position in that case?

If the masterclient was the one synchronising the object, it would mean that every collisions must be calculated on the masterclient side and it would result in some serious lag for the other clients (imagine colliding with the ball and having to wait 0.5sec before having a physic reaction).
Is there a way for every client to send their own impact on the ball ? To make it easier, we can say that only the player's object (only one collider) can collide with the ball.

And just to be perfectly clear, if you played Overwatch, they have basketballs in some maps,every players can push them and there is an instant reaction. I would to have to same result.


  • XRay
    I Tried something, it seems to kinda work. I basically transfer the ownership of the rigidbody object to the colliding object's owner. That makes so the rigidbody object is always sending it's data from the last colliding client.
    There is a bit of jittering at the owner transfer moment but it might just be because I'm synchronising rough data without interpolation.

    Is this solution viable ? I mean, am I to expect some weird behaviour in the futur or is it just not optimized to be used that way ? (Because I'm going to have a lot a these physic objects).
    XRay said:

    Hi, I'm would like to have rigidbody objects in my scene (like balls, we could say) and every clients should be able to push those objects.
    So the question is, how do I sync the physics or even the position in that case?

    If the masterclient was the one synchronising the object, it would mean that every collisions must be calculated on the masterclient side and it would result in some serious lag for the other clients (imagine colliding with the ball and having to wait 0.5sec before having a physic reaction).
    Is there a way for every client to send their own impact on the ball ? To make it easier, we can say that only the player's object (only one collider) can collide with the ball.

    And just to be perfectly clear, if you played Overwatch, they have basketballs in some maps,every players can push them and there is an instant reaction. I would to have to same result.

    Hi, did you find a proper solution to implement this? I've same problem but with bullets and rickochets...
    Please let me know here or by