Bot with real actorNumber

Is there any way to create a bot player but have a real actor number registered with photon so the clients will see the bot the same as a real player?


  • chvetsov
    well, you did not share any detail. it is difficutl to say something. but at least you may join as usual player
  • marcV2g
    I want to create a fake player on the server that will look real to other real players.
  • chvetsov
    HI, marcV2g.
    any number above 0 is real actor number. take one and just notify other users they new player with this actor id joined.
  • marcV2g
    If I just make my own actor number I get a exception on the client when I try to load the player.
  • chvetsov
    then you failed to simulate joining of this player.
    you should send to all players JoinEvent whith your player.

    Actually it is very difficult to give any advice, because it is not clear what you are doing: are you writing your plugin, or modifying server, or client
  • marcV2g
    I am working with a photon plugin, the client should not be able to tell the difference between a bot and a real player.
  • marcV2g
    Are there any tutorials on how to create a JoinEvent for a not real player?
  • chvetsov
    no, there is nothing like this. you have all source code. you may use HiveGame.PublishJoinEvent as source of inspiration