Photon Bolt Authoritative Server and VR with Tracked controller


I'm currently using PUN for my VR game and are quite happy with it.

However since my efforts get more serious, I'm considering switching to Bolt in the long run or maybe in my next game.
Please not I have very little experience yet with Bolt, just read myself through a couple tutorials.

From what I read, I can extract two major advantages I would have with Bolt.

- Better lag compensation (I have Rigidbodies which can be thrown around, my results in PUN are so far acceptable but not perfect)
- Possibility to have Authoritative Server

1) Can you confirm that the lag compensation I can achieve with Bolt is better than PUN?
2) I do not understand how I would achieve an authoritative Server in a VR Environment, as the Input is different than just simple Keyboard or mouse presses, but a tracked controller with a velocity. Will this still work?

Thanks for any help,


  • stanchion
    Lag compensation (for authoritative games) does not work with Unity rigidbodies.

    You can ask on Slack what people have done for Auth + VR, it is very new.