MyCloud & PhotonCloud


Your PhotonEngine is awesome! In compare to UNet. Thank you very much! And big thanks for PhotonCloud! It works good, but I have problem with latency.

I live and work in Khabarovsk (Russia). Khabarovsk is near China. But PhotonCloud gives best region for me is EU (Amsterdam). So, ping is 170-180 ms. I develop snake-like online game, and this latency for me is not acceptable.

I deployed a server and installed PhotonServer. So, ping is 8-10 ms. This latency is ok!

But there are many (not so many :-( ) people play in USA and Europe. And I want that these people could use PhotonCloud (if the latency PhotonCloud would be better than MyCloud).

What is the best way to realize this algorithm?

P.S.: Sorry for my bad English!

Best Answers


  • chvetsov
    Hi, there

    here is list of currently supported regions

    you may check ping for them and see what is best for you
  • Ilyas

    Thanks, but this answer is not usefull for me. I know about supported regions.
    I use PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings (gameVersion); (PhotonServerSettings.Hosting = BestRegion). So, I get region with best ping. But this ping is too big.

    My solution is:

    1) Client pings my servers and stores results.
    2) Client connects to Photon Master Server.
    3) When OnConnectedToMaster be invoked, Client pings by PhotonNetwork.GetPing ().
    4) Client compares ping result with stored results and then makes a decision:
    5.a) Client joins or creates room at Photon Game Server.
    5.b) Client leaves Photon Cloud and connects to MyCloud.

    I'm not sure that this solution is the best. I will be grateful for any help.
  • Ilyas
    Big thanks to JohnTube and chvetsov!