how to limtate max players in aroom?

hi. in my project there should 2 players in a room to make a game. one can create a room an other can join to play. how can I make that?
components like transform views that are used for cloud can be used for server implenetations?


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2016
    Hi @virtouso,

    Please use RoomOptions.MaxPlayers when creating rooms to set maximum players expected. Unless you're asking about limiting this value from server side which is not the case I think.
    how can I make that?

    Please read the documentation first, I'm sure you'll find out how easy this can be using Photon.
    components like transform views that are used for cloud can be used for server implenetations?

    If you're asking about difference between Cloud and Server when using PUN then there should be none unless you think about some async. features.


    The title does not really match the questions asked. The category also seems not appropriate.