Custom Authentication/Login with Google OAuth?

I was wondering what the best approach to implement a custom authentication login with Google OAuth with Photon Server SDK. I've been reading the custom authentication login docs.

I may not be understanding photon correctly but from what I've seen it is used for users to connect to master server which then selects a game server for user to connect to.
Would my login server be one of the game servers if I use photon server for custom authentication or does the user connect to the master server to get authorized? Or is the login server a completely different server than the master and game server?


  • xtimus
    After looking through some diagrams, I have another question. Would it be better to separate the login authentication with Google/Facebook/etc with a separate server like NGinx or nodejs and then pass the token to a master DB and then have the client connect to photon master server after Google/Facebook/etc authentication which then grabs the token from the masterDB to authenticate and then send the player to a Game server with low load?
  • chvetsov
    only load tests may give you answer