How to make local changes to other players?

In my project I have the main player connecting on PC to stream motion data and any one else that connects(Mobile devices) are only able to observe. What I'm trying to do is be able to switch between 2 meshes on the main character to show body or muscles. I can observe the player no problem but I cannot work out how to get the body components to be able to modify them and change whether they're enabled or not.

Should I stream the gameobjects or transforms I want to change? Can I use CustomPlayerSettings to make the settings for the parts accessible? Any info or pointers would be greatly appreciated.


  • BiggsTheCat
    Just to clarify, I'm looking to be able to toggle whether the mesh of my PC object is visible on my observer device without making changes to the actual character or to what the PC object is seeing. Each mobile device should be able to have control of whether they can see the person or muscles.
  • The topic is discussed over here