BoltEntity component is causing "rubberbanding"


it seems the BoltEntity component causes rubberbanding, even if I doesn't transmit anything from and to the server.

This is how I set the transform inside Attached():

state.SetTransforms(state.Transform, transform, meshGameObject.transform);

I've also tried it with:

state.SetTransforms(state.Transform, transform);

As soon as I disable the BoltEntity on the character the problem is solved. Any idea what could cause this?


  • stanchion
    Can you send a project with this problem to ?
  • I'll try to setup a example project asap.
  • I hadn't time yet to setup the example project, but today I stumbled about a very strange thing which only applies to entities which have an BoltEntity attached.

    When starting the game with the quality settings "fastest" my characters runspeed is very slow, but as soon as I disable the bolt entity the runspeed returns normal. I've double checked every quality setting, but I have no idea what quality setting could affect movement speed, this is weird.

    Could someone please try to reproduce this problem?
  • stanchion
    Something in your code is probably affected by frames per second. Change it to fixed update or set the maximum fps target.
  • When moving my character controller code to FixedUpdate (I usually have it in Update) I can't move my character anymore as long the BoltEntity component is active.

    After disabling the BoltEntity component everything works without problems, no matter what quality setting is selected.
  • stanchion
    Can you send a repro project to ?
  • silentneedle
    edited September 2016
    It seems has fixed this problem almost. There is still a small stuttering when providing a render transform in state.SetTransforms().

    edit: the quality settings problem has also been fixed with
  • Can you send a repro project with the "small stuttering" to ?