Support IPv6

Hi there,

I've just upgrade photon client sdk from 4.0.1 to 4.1.3 to support IPv6. I use photon cloud server.
The problem is that the clients with sdk 4.0.1 and clients with sdk 4.1.3 cannot see each other with the same lobby name.
Is there any way to upgrade and old clients and new clients still can see each other?


  • Kaiserludi
    Hi @guipong.

    Please make sure that you pass the same version string (and of course also the same appID) to both clients.

    On Photon Cloud clients with different appIDs and/or version strings can't see each other as they are considered to be incompatible to each other. Therefor compatible clients should share the same version string (except for if you want to intentionally separate your players (for example because your don't want to allow PC vs. mobile because of balancing difficulties)) and you should only increase the version when you introduce breaking changes that make new clients incompatible to older ones or balancing changes that would make a game between new and old clients unfair for one side. Obviously that means that you should not just pass your official game version, that you use in the appstores, etc., to Photon, but use a separate version number, that you can increment independently.
  • guipong
    Hi @Kaiserludi admin,

    Thanks for your quick responding. I don't make any change in appID and appVersion when init LoadBalancingClient and lobbyName is also the same as it was but I still cannot see the rooms of the old version. Does anybody have the same problem like me?
  • guipong
    edited July 2016
    Oh, I found the problem in the last argument of mLoadBalancingClient constructor:
    My constructor:
    mLoadBalancingClient(*this, appId, appVersion, ExitGames::Photon::ConnectionProtocol::TCP, true,false);
    It should be:
    mLoadBalancingClient(*this, appId, appVersion, ExitGames::Photon::ConnectionProtocol::TCP, true, ExitGames::LoadBalancing::RegionSelectionMode::SELECT);

    Old version and new version are on different server regions so they didn't see each other.
  • Kaiserludi

    Thanks for the update and sorry for the inconvenience.